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          Your search returned 515 Organizations

          • AOAD - Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled

            AOAD’s a non-governmental, nonprofits and non-political organization established by Person with Disability and working for persons with disabilities along with their immediate family members as a peer-supporter advocate agent of change organization, founded in 2007 in Kabul, Afghanistan. The aims of AOAD is to share good practices and lessons learnt, providing a forum for dialogue among stakeholders participants; AOAD promote disability mainstreaming and inclusion in line with the CRPD and SDGs. (Source: Website)

          • Save the Children International

            Save the Children saves and improves children's lives around the world. It works to ensure children have healthcare, food and shelter, as well as learning and child protection services when children need it most. It is committed to helping all children achieve their full potential by ensuring they grow up healthy, receive a good education, and stay safe. Securing children's rights is the foundation of their work. Through their programming, emergency responses and advocacy, we put the most vulnerable children first, tackling the barriers to survival, learning and protection. (Source: Website)
            United Kingdom

          • University of Oregon

            United States of America

          • Association for Promoting Inclusion


          • Carleton University, School of Linguistics and Language Studies


          • Sana for Special Individuals

            Sanais a non-profit-organization that empowers people with intellectual disabilities and their families to live beyond any inability. They offer services directly in the field and manage through an administrative office. (Source: Website)

          • COPE Foundation


          • ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross, MoveAbility Foundation

            The ICRC MoveAbility Foundation is a development organization that aims to improve physical rehabilitation capacities in low- and middle-income countries, and thus remove barriers faced by persons with disabilities. (Source: Website)

          • RET International - Protection through Education

            RET International, founded in 2000, is a non-profit organization committed to working in emergencies, in conflicts and in fragile environments around the world to alleviate suffering and catalyze sustainable development of vulnerable young people and women. (Source: Website)

          • Living Link

            The Living Link is a non-profit organization in South Africa that implements a model of supported employment for young people with disabilities. Starting with life and work skills training and first experiences by job sampling the education is followed by placements in the open labor market. Candidates who are placed in employment earn the same salary and wages as non-disabled colleagues. In 2015 alone, approximately 50 people have been placed in different forms of employment, several with permanent working contracts. (Source: Website)
            South Africa