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          Your search returned 515 Organizations

          • Light for The World Burkina Faso

            Burkina Faso

          • Shekulo Tov Group

            Shekulo Tov Group was founded in 2005 with the vision to allow people with psychiatric disabilities to be in the community, to pursue their journeys, to reach their functional goals, to be included in society, and to live independently. (Source: Website)

          • ADISA - Association of Parents and Friends of People with Disabilities

            ADISA (Association of Parents and Friends of People with Disabilities), is a non-profit, based in Santiago Atitlan, Solola. Their mission is to assist, defend and further the rights of people with disabilities. Using a strategy of community-based rehabilitation (CBR), they envision an outcome where persons with disabilities and the community are brought together on an equal basis. ADISA has programs in healthcare, education, employment, and social empowerment that foster these goals. (Source: Website)

          • World Vision

            World Vision Uganda seeks to address causes and effects of poverty through development, relief and advocacy. World Vision Uganda is able to provide educational support, construct and equip schools and health centres, train health workers and farmers, participate in advocacy campaigns, distribute improved crop varieties and animal breeds, and provide clean and safe water. (Source: Website)
            United Kingdom

          • King Abdulaziz University

            Saudi Arabia

          • Special Olympics Latin America

            United States of America

          • KDSP - Karachi Down Syndrome Program


          • Italian Association of People with Down Syndrome (AIPD)


          • Reut USA

            United States of America

          • CBM - Christoffel Blind Mission

            United States of America