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          Your search returned 515 Organizations

          • Nayi Disha Resource Centre

            Nayi Disha Resource Centre is a Parent forum/ support group to help handle kids with Autism, Down syndrome, epilepsy, deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD), cerebral palsy, epilepsy. It provides essential information to families of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (Source: Website)

          • COCEMFE - Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities

            COCEMFE is a representative NGO of persons with physical & organic disabilities that pursues their full inclusion and active participation in all areas of society, through the promotion, defence and claim of their rights, as well as the coordination, representation and impulse of its Associative Movement, thus contributing to the construction of an inclusive and diverse society. COCEMFE is made up of 91 organizations that groups together more than 1.600 associations and represents 2,5 million people with disabilities in Spain. (Source: Website)

          • PUSPADI Bali

            PUSPADI Bali believes people with disabilities should be empowered to live out their dreams and reach their full potential. They are a NGO in Bali providing high-quality mobility aids, education & training and advocacy programs to people with physical disabilities in Bali and East Indonesia. (Source: Website)

          • ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development


          • JAN VIKAS SAMITI

            Jan Vikas Samiti (JVS) is a community development non-governmental organization based in Varanasi (UP), India, working for poor and marginalized sections of the society. It was established in 1996. (Source: Website)

          • Beit Issie Shapiro

            Beit Issie Shapiro is Israel’s leading developer and provider of innovative therapies and state-of-the-art services for children and adults across the entire range of disabilities impacting more than half a million people annually in Israel and around the globe. (Source: Website)

          • WAG Assistenzgenossenschaft


          • Federal University of Paraíba


          • Save Our Needy Organisation


          • Israel Elwyn

            Israel Elwyn (IE) was established in 1984 and operates in collaboration and support of many ministries. IE serves more than 5,200 people with disabilities including toddlers, children, teenagers, young people, adults and seniors. They believe that every person is capable of self-advocacy and standing up for his or her rights thus enabling the individual to take responsibility for his or her own life, to have an impact on the community and to fulfill his or her needs and wants. (Source: Website)