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          Your search returned 515 Organizations

          • USAID - United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning

            USAID is the world's premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID works to help lift lives, build communities, and advance democracy. USAID's work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity; demonstrates American generosity; and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. (Source: Website)
            United States of America

          • kinderhaende e.V.

            kinderhände is a small NGO based in Vienna that teaches Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) to families with deaf children, children with deaf parents, hearing children or children with hearing or language impairments. This is done by offering bilingual playgroups and learning materials, and by promoting the use of ÖGS so that families can develop a common language at home. The association also offers bilingual learning materials and has developed teacher-training modules to support ÖGS use in schools. It was founded in 2006. (Source: Website)

          • Austrian Council for the Disabled, Unikate Ideenwettbewerb

            As an umbrella organization, the Austrian Council of People with Disabilities represents over 80 member organizations in Austria. Representing the interests of 1.4 million people with disabilities in Austria, the Council for People with Disabilities campaigns nationally and internationally for the rights of people with disabilities. (Source: Website)

          • FEPAPDEM - National Federation of Mothers and Fathers of People with Intellectual Disability 

            FEPAPDEM promotes the improvement of the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and their families, through the strengthening and empowerment of the associative movement by means of effective training. The team provides a quality service based on FEPAPDEM's values, and influences public policies to build a fairer and more inclusive society. (Source: Website)

          • Plena Inclusion Spain

            Plena Inclusion is the associative movement of intellectual or developmental disabilities in Spain. (Source: Website)

          • Nordic Welfare Centre

            The Nordic Welfare Centre is an institution in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ social and health sector. Its mission is to contribute to the development of welfare initiatives in the Nordic region. By compiling and disseminating knowledge on welfare issues, it offers strengthened tools for policy-making, as well as tools for improving health and well-being of all citizens. (Source: Website)

          • Mom's Belief

            Mom’s Belief is India’s Largest holistic care provider for Children with Special Needs. The vision of Mom’s Belief is to improve the lives of those affected by neurodevelopmental disorders and to empower parents with resources, training and ongoing mentoring. We are driven by our goal to touch a million lives over the next six to seven years. Our metrics and aspirations are not based on turnover, but on the basis of change in the lives we make for every family. (Source: Website)

          • SENADIS - National Service for the Disabled Chile

            SENADIS is a public service which aims to promote the right to equal opportunities for people with disabilities, in order to obtain their social inclusion, contributing to the full enjoyment of their rights and eliminating any form of discrimination based on disability, through the coordination of State actions, the implementation of policies and programs, within the framework of inclusive local development strategies. (Source: Website)

          • CDD - Centre for Disability and Development

            The Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) is a not for profit organisation established in 1996 to develop a more inclusive society for persons with a disability. (Source: Website)

          • CBM - Christoffel Blind Mission Germany
