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Your search returned 217 Solutions
Free open-source electronic games for children
"Games for the Blind" is a series of free electronic games designed for blind children as well as an online platform to create and share their own game. The games are designed to familiarize children with computers and to allow them to practice their hearing and other skills while having the option to play with their peers.
SciFY - Science For You, Games for the Blind, Greece -
App facilitating citizen reporting of accessibility barriers
The AccesibilidApp was developed by COCEMFE and Vodafone and enables citizens to report accessibility and mobility barriers in their built environment. COCEMFE will then contact those responsible to remove these barriers. Since 2014 a total of 2,331 cases have been reported by 1,355 users.
COCEMFE - Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities, Accessibility App, Spain -
Collection of digital and technical solutions for universally designed workplaces
The Nordic Welfare Centre’s programme named Future of Working Life identifies and provides solutions in 18 technology areas that have the potential to improve the situation of people with disabilities in the labour market. The main target groups are employers, employees, and experts in the open labour market.
Nordic Welfare Centre, The Future of Working Life, Denmark -
Web-browser extension for looking up explanations in sign language
Elix Dictionary was developed by the French NGO Signes de Sens. It is a bilingual video dictionary in French Sign Language. With free extension for web browsers, Elix Bubble users can access Elix Dictionary by right-clicking on a word without leaving the website.
Signes de sens, La Bulle Elix, France -
Accurate navigation system for the blind and visually impaired to improve public services
Waymap, an IT-start-up company from the United Kingdom, enables visually impaired people to orient themselves indoors and outdoors with a location accuracy of one meter. It is aimed at public transport operators, who offer the service free of charge to customers with disabilities.
Waymap, Waymap, United Kingdom -
A social franchise model for accessibility experts
In 2015, the All-Russian Society of Disabled People (ARDS) began to conduct accessibility seminars throughout the country. In order to support many of the people it trains, the ARDS set up expert centres across Russia, offering advice and financial support. By 2019, some 480 experts were working in 64 of 85 regions of Russia.
All Russian Society of Disabled People, Certification in Accessibility Expertise, Russia -
Comprehensive database of accessibility features in mobile devices and Smart TVs
"Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative" is a free online database that lists the accessibility features of mobile phones, tablets, apps, Smart TVs, and wearables. GARI provides information on more than 110 accessibility features of approximately 1,100 mobile phone models and receives approximately 500,000 views per month.
Mobile & Wireless Forum, GARI, Belgium -
At-home support for parents with intellectual disabilities
Begleitete Elternschaft’ (Accompanied Parenthood ) is a project of MOBILE – Selbstbestimmtes Leben Behinderter e.V. from Germany. Since 2006 eight to twelve parents with intellectual disabilities per year are supported in raising their children at home, assisted by educators in the areas of life skills, teaching, and childcare.
Mobile - Independent Living of Disabled People e.V., Accompanied Parenthood (Begleitete Elternschaft, BE), Germany -
People with intellectual disabilities co-designing digital innovations
The co-design toolkit of Ireland’s Saint John of God Liffey Service (SJOG) enables people with intellectual disabilities to co-create mobile apps that support their daily lives. Launched in 2016, the co-design programme had 70 participants and more than 30 apps being developed by 2022.
Saint John of God Liffey Services, Co-Design Toolkit for Designing Inclusive Apps, Ireland -
Enhancing smartphone and tablet accessibility for individuals with visual impairments
Hable One B.V., Netherlands: Developed a device enhancing smartphone accessibility for visually impaired. Compatible with iOS and Android, supports multiple languages. Gained 2,500 active users between 2022 and 2023.
Hable One B.V., Hable One, Netherlands