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              Your search returned 217 Solutions

              • Children learning a song with their parents.

                Bilingual Classes Supporting Families to Learn Sign Language Together

                Using a team of one person who is deaf and one who can hear, kinderhände offers bilingual classes in German and ÖGS to children aged six months to 14 years and their families. It also has an online platform for families to use at home, and has developed teacher-training modules to support ÖGS use in schools.
                kinderhaende e.V., Austria

              • Blind voter counts and selects political subject during mock election. Blind voter enters polling station.

                Tactile Ballot Guides for Blind Voters

                The tactile ballot guide has cut-out holes and lines along one side to indicate the sequence of candidates. The ballot paper is placed under the guide and an audio recording describes the parties and candidates that correspond to the holes. The guide can be used multiple times and does not require knowledge of the Braille font.
                Central Election Commission of Georgia, Georgia

              • A man and a woman stand next to each other in a workshop with shelves of metal pipes behind them. The woman is showing the man something on a piece of paper.

                DPO federation running a business sector-encouragement programme


                COCEMFE encourages and supports companies to include people with disabilities among their relevant stakeholders as suppliers, customers, and competent professionals, and therefore to go beyond inclusive recruitment and CSR. Since 2018, 161 such agreements have been signed with companies.
                COCEMFE - Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities, Making businesses Inclusive, Spain

              • A women in a white jacket is standing in a classroom, explaining something; female and male students sit on white chairs and have tables in front of them

                Ministry of Education organizing Individual Training Plans for transition to work

                Individual Transition Plans (ITPs) are designed to support young people with special educational needs in the essential transitions in their lives. An ITP is designed and implemented collaboratively by the student, their parents and teachers, and educational guidance and employment service providers.
                Montenegrin Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, Individual Transition Plans (ITPs) for Students with Special Needs , Montenegro

              • Shoe-shops, barrier-free for all

                In 2010 APSA started a partnership with Tempe Grupo Inditex to develop the for&from store, which is uniquely designed to provide universal accessibility for consumers with various disabilities. In addition, the shop provides special services, such as the use of sign language for people with a hearing impairment.
                Tempe, for&from stores, Spain

              • PRA173321 ROM Pentru Voi Foundation2

                Offering professional services of well-trained persons with intellectual disabilities to companies

                With its Social Enterprises programme the Pentru Voi Foundation promotes the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in the work place through various activities, including personnel leasing, job coaching and skills enhancement training and collaborations with companies. 90% of the customers of these services are private companies.
                Pentru Voi Foundation, Social Enterprises, Romania

              • LEA Beratungsgespräch

                Comprehensive support and jobs for persons with epilepsy

                Leben mit Epilepsie in der Arbeitswelt provides a variety of services to people with epilepsy concerning their integration in the job market. Between 2011 and 2015, the organization supported 818 clients to find and maintain work. In addition, 178 people with epilepsy were given further practical help and support.
                Institute for Epilepsy, LEA - Living with Epilepsy in the World of Work, Leben mit Epilepsie in der Arbeitswelt (LEA), Austria

              • A whole IKEA department run by persons with disabilities

                alsterarbeit is a social enterprise providing jobs for people with disabilities such as gardening, carpentry, packaging, IT, and gastronomy. In June 2014, the organization entered an agreement with IKEA to run the recovery department of IKEA at the Altona store in Hamburg, creating 30 jobs for people with disabilities.
                alsterarbeit, Cooperation with IKEA, Germany

              • Being employed by a university for the duration of PhD study

                Promi ("Promotion inclusive") enables and promotes postgraduate education for students with disabilities. Initiated in 2012, 45 45 graduates have been placed in PhD programmes at their university by 2016 and provided with employment for the duration of their studies at one of the 21 partner universitites of Promi.
                University of Koeln, project “Promi”, Germany

              • Two men use technical support by Exper, enjoying themselves and being guided by a man.

                People with intellectual disabilities train peers to use digital media and ICT

                PIKSL Mobil is a peer-to-peer teaching approach. People with intellectual disabilities are trained in the use of digital technology and in training other people. Equipped with technical equipment, these trainers then teach other persons with disabilities and seniors living in residential facilities to use digital media independently.
                PIKSL - Living in the community gGmbH, PIKSL Mobil, Germany