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Your search returned 87 Organizations
ITU - International Telecommunication Union
United States of America
TASH - Disability Advocacy
TASH is an international leader in disability advocacy. Founded in 1975, TASH advocates for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs – those most vulnerable to segregation, abuse, neglect and institutionalization. TASH works to advance inclusive communities through advocacy, research, professional development, policy, and information and resources for parents, families and self-advocates. (Source: Website)
United States of America -
Houston Community College
United States of America
US Department of Labor, ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy
United States of America
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Centre
Caring for infants to adolescents, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is an international leader in pediatric medicine, research and education. Cincinnati Children’s seeks to improve child health and transform delivery of care through fully integrated, globally recognized research, education and innovation. (Source: Website)
United States of America -
JDC - American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
United States of America
Gallaudet University
United States of America
CRS - Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services is a non-profit founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to serve World War II survivors in Europe. Since then, they have expanded in size to reach more than 130 million people in more than 100 countries on five continents. They are commited to assist the poor and vulnerable. (Source: Website)
United States of America -
USAID - United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning
USAID is the world's premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID works to help lift lives, build communities, and advance democracy. USAID's work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity; demonstrates American generosity; and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. (Source: Website)
United States of America -
Trust for the Americas
The Organization of American States was established in order to achieve among its member states "an order of peace and justice, to promote their solidarity, to strengthen their collaboration, and to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity, and their independence." Today, the OAS brings together all 35 independent states of the Americas and constitutes the main political, juridical, and social governmental forum in the Hemisphere. In addition, it has granted permanent observer status to 69 states, as well as to the European Union (EU). The Organization uses a four-pronged approach to effectively implement its essential purposes, based on its main pillars: democracy, human rights, security, and development. (Source: Website)
United States of America