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          Your search returned 294 Organizations

          • 100% Handinamique


          • autArK Social Services-GmbH


          • Aspa Foundation

            The mission of Aspa is to promote opportunities for persons with disabilities and people recovering from mental health problems to live an independent and autonomous life. Aspa develops individually-tailored, high-quality and safe living solutions in ordinary residential environments. In general, Aspa strives to influence the design and construction of housing and local communities so as to treat the needs of all members of society equally. The Aspa Foundation owns about 1000 housing units all over the country. (Source: Website)

          • Centrum DZWONI - Center for Vocational Counseling and Support for People with Intellectual Disabilities

            DZWONI Center is a professional, non-public employment agency offering free services in job placement and vocational counselling for people with disabilities as well as personal counselling for employers. The DZWONI Centre is run by the Polish Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities - the largest organisation in Poland, active for 55 years, supporting people with intellectual disabilities and their families. (Source: Website)

          • Mopius Mobile GmbH

            Mopius is an Austrian Startup in the telecommunication industry, focused on mobile app development. They develop solutions related to the development, marketing and distribution of mobile solutions such as apps, chatbots and skill for all kinds of companies. (Source: Website)

          • Save the Children Armenia

            Save the Children established its presence in Armenia in 1993. It has earned a high reputation for delivering quality programs for children, and establishing strong and influential relationships with government and civil society networks. According to the decision of Save the Children headquarters, the organization terminated its operations in Armenia as of July 31, 2020. (Source: Website)

          • Standard Chartered Bank, Taiwan

            It is a leading international banking group listed on the London and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges. (Source: Website)

          • Unicredit Bank Austria AG

            UniCredit is a successful pan-European commercial bank with fully integrated Corporate & Investment Banking, offering their customers a unique network in Western, Central and Eastern Europe. (Source: Website)

          • AfB social & green IT

            AfB (Work for People with Disabilities) specializes in taking discarded IT hardware from companies, deleting data in a certified manner and preparing it for reuse. This process conserves natural resources and reduces emissions. (Source: Website)

          • Caritas Linz

            Caritas of the Diocese of Linz, also Caritas Upper Austria, is a social aid organization of the Roman Catholic Church in the Austrian Province of Upper Austria. It is part of Caritas Austria, but an independent institution and reports to the Bishop of the Diocese of Linz. Caritas for people with disabilities' core task is the support of people with disabilities in their integration into into social life. They encourage and accompany children, adolescents and adults, support them by relieving the burden on their families and by providing training and assistance for professional integration. (Source: Website)