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          Your search returned 294 Organizations

          • Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy


          • Inter Vlaanderen

            Inter is a center of expertise in accessibility and Universal Design. They give accessibility advice from design to realization, make events accessible, give trainings, advise governments and do research on the accessibility situation in Flanders. (Source: Website)

          • Munevo

            Munevo is an IT Services company - born out of the desire to enable people with severe limitations to their mobility to lead a self-determined, mobile life. (Source: Website)

          • FACIL'iti

            FACIL’iti is an Internet company aiming to make the digital world accessible to any person affected by either a physical, sensorial and/or a cognitive disorder. (Source: Website)

          • Fight the Stroke

   is a foundation that supports the cause of young stroke survivors and children with Cerebral Palsy. FightTheStroke exists to answer to the need for knowledge and support for families impacted by the management of a young stroke survivor and with a disability of Cerebral Palsy, to educate to the awareness that children, even those not yet born, can be affected by potentially disabling brain damages; to inspire the new generations and encourage research and adoption of 'disruptive' therapies. (Source: Website)

          • Blue Badge Style

            Blue badge Style is 'redefining disability with style'​. It provides information for people, for whom style and disability are not mutually exclusive. The aim is to create a community of people, initially in Europe. It was established in 2012. (Source: Website)
            United Kingdom

          • CNSE Foundation

            The CNSE Foundation is a non-profit state organization born in 1998. Its main purpose is to carry out initiatives in education, training, employment, accessibility and social participation, with special attention to information and communication technologies. Since its incorporation, the CNSE Foundation has carried out important work in the standardization of Spanish Sign Language, as well as in the planning of its use and learning, constantly watching over the linguistic quality. (Source: Website)

          • Saint John of God Liffey Services


          • Hable One B.V.


          • Light for the World Austria
