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          Your search returned 294 Organizations

          • Leonard Cheshire Disability

            Leonard Cheshire is a charity reducing the barriers to independent living, learning and working that people with disabilities face around the world. It runs develpment projects around the world. The charity supports disabled people through local care services including residential homes, supported living, domiciliary support, day services, activity centres, respite care, transition services, and employment and skills support. It also runs political campaigns on issues affecting disabled people. (Source: Website)
            United Kingdom

          • Sabooj

            Sabooj is a French consultancy agency approved as an adapted company in France since 2009 (a company with special facilities for providing employment for the disabled). It creats CSR by designing and implementing communication actions since. All its employees are deaf and in the communications field, where there is competition and no place for mistakes, they show their creativity, reactivity and capability. (Source: Website)

          • Inclusion Europe

            Since 1988, Inclusion Europe has been speaking up for people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Europe. They fight for their equal rights and full inclusion in all aspects of life. Inclusion Europe currently represents 74 members in 39 European countries. (Source: Website)
            United Kingdom

          • Association for Self Advocacy

            The Association for Self-Advocacy is a non-governmental, non-profit association founded in Zagreb in October 2003. The association was founded by members of the self-advocacy group who, through many years of joint work, acquired the skills of self-determination and self-advocacy. It is the first and so far the only association in Croatia, but also in the wider region, founded by people with intellectual disabilities and the only one that allows them to independently express their needs and fight for their rights. (Source: Website)

          • Light for the World Netherlands

            LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is an international disability and development organization whose vision is an inclusive society where no one is left behind. They strive for accessible eye care services and support inclusive education, empowering persons with disabilities to participate equally in society. Its core memers are Austria, the Czech Republic, the UK, Germany, and Switzerland and associate members and Belgium and the Netherlands as associate members. It has country offices in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Mozambique as well as an EU office in Brussels. (Source: Website)

          • ATOC - Association of Train Operating Companies

            The Association of Train Operating Companies is an unincorporated association owned by its members. It was set up by the train operating companies. As well as being the official voice of the passenger rail industry, it also provides its members with a range of services that enable them to comply with conditions laid on them in their franchise agreements and operating licences. (Source: Website)
            United Kingdom

          • IBM Belgium

            IBM is a listed US IT and consulting company headquartered in Armonk, New York State. IBM is one of the world's leading companies, particularly for industry-specific solutions and services in the IT sector, as well as software and hardware. IBM Belgium is located in Bruxelles. (Source: Website)

          • Cerealto Siro Foods

            The Siro Group is one of the largest industrial groups in the food sector in Spain. It is present in six food businesses (crackers, pasta, bread, pastries, cakes, cereals and research and development), occupying an important position in each of them. (Source: Website)

          • Des Amis de l’Atelier Foundation

            The Fondation des Amis de l'Atelier is currently a major player in the accompaniment of people with psychological disabilities, mental illness or autism in France. It supports 3,000 children and adults with mental and psychological disabilities throughout their lives in its 80 establishments and services. (Source: Website)

          • GNW - Gauges North West

            GNW Ltd. (founded in 1995) is a small service company engaged in several related fields and activities. This includes counselling services for special learners, offering trainings and e-learning development for teachers, research in the area of educational psychology, translation from and to English, German, Italian and Rumanian, as well as software innovation, development and construction, developing specialized software, data collection systems and software for industrial processes. (Source: Website)