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              Your search returned 69 Solutions

              • COLOMBIA 1 - inauguracion sala conectando sentidos en quibdo

                Plan Vive Digital is a national plan to increase both Internet access and Internet usage. One of its specific objectives is to improve universal access to ICT. More than 80 initiatives proactively address vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, in order to promote their educational, labour and social inclusion.
                Colombian Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Colombia

              • A new approach to labour inclusion

                To increase social inclusion POETA ("Partnership in Opportunities for Employment through Technology in the Americas") operates accessible centers to train people with disabilities in technology and vocational skills. In 2012, more than 1,500 allied companies also participated in awareness campaigns and activities.
                Trust for the Americas, A new approach to labour inclusion, Guatemala

              • The Sign Language Avatar Project

                SiMAX is a semi-automatic system designed to translate text into sign language by combining technology from animation pictures, the gaming industry, and computer-aided translation services. As a fully automatic translation is not possible, the translation process is managed by a professional, deaf person.
                signtime GmbH, Austria

              • A male person has two computer screens and a keyboard in front of him. There is a variety of equipment, such as a screen reader, screen magnification, keyboard with large letters, and a magnifier.

                Workplace adaptations for the blind as a business service

                VIDEBIS is a supplier of visual aids. If a customer is visually impaired an assessment of the visual impairment is carried out, and the best solution in terms of hardware, software, and training is determined. Between 2016 and 2019 more than 1,000 workstations were equipped.
                VIDEBIS GmbH, Workplace Adaptation, Austria

              • PIKSL learning diff as IT Trainers_PRA_Photo5

                Persons with learning difficulties working as IT trainers

                Through this project people with learning difficulties use their IT knowledge to train senior citizens living in their neighbourhood. The concept has been developed by people with learning difficulties themselves. In addition to having employment, it provides them with the possibility to earn respect and recognition.
                PIKSL - Living in the community gGmbH, Germany

              • A woman in a wheelchair is ordering food on one of two touchscreen devices that are positioned in the center of Eli Lilly's accessible and modern cafeteria.

                Global accessibility and inclusion programme of a multinational pharmaceutical company

                The Access Lilly programme was initiated in 2020 by the multinational pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly to establish and implement a disability-friendly corporate culture throughout the company. The initial four work areas like accessibility, ICT and communications were expanded to include human resources and procurement.
                Eli Lilly, Access Lilly, United States of America

              • BLITAB Technology_PRA_Photo1

                A tablet that creates Braille, graphics, maps, and more

                BLITAB – the iPad for the blind as it is called also – is the first-ever Braille tablet, using a new liquid-based technology to create tactile relief that produces Braille, graphics, maps, etc., for the blind and partially sighted. From the very start, blind and visually impaired users were involved in the product development.
                BLITAB Technology Gmbh, Austria

              • The graphic shows five slightly worn out books held together by a black headphone in front of a library shelf. On top of the 5 books is a smartphone facing us where the words "Tiflonexos" are written in black and blue letters.

                Network of users with visual disabilities creating and

                growing its digital library

                Tiflolibros is a digital library for visually impaired people in the Spanish-speaking world, launched by the NGO Asociación Tiflonexos in Argentina. Since its launch in 2001 until 2021, more than 65,000 accessible books have been made available free of charge.
                Tiflonexos Association, Biblioteca Tiflolibros, Argentina

              • A man stands smiling with people sitting around him and signing. He is touching the hand of a woman sitting next to him to correct a sign she is making.

                Young people trained as Disability Inclusion Facilitators to motivate employers

                The Make 12.4% Work initiative is led by young people with disabilities who are trained and certified as Disability Inclusion Facilitators. They train member organizations to become more inclusive. From 2018 to 2020, 124 organizations have become members and 5,700 people have benefited.
                Light for the World Austria, Make 12.4% Work-Initiative, Uganda

              • Continous Report Individualized Support

                Supporting teachers with comprehensive reports on pupil ́s needs

                Using an elaborate database, a report is created describing what helps THIS pupil with THIS teacher in THIS class at THIS moment. The complex diagnose is then narrowed down to what the pupil ́s particular strengths are and what extra measures the child might require. These measures can be evaluated and shared with others.
                VCLB Gent - Flamish Center for Student Councelling, Belgium