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Your search returned 19 Solutions
Capturing and distributing critical election-related sign language
With the "Electoral Sign Language Lexicon" IFES captures critical election-related sign language vocabulary. For explanation there are books, the Internet and an app. Train-the-trainer workshops are also available. Over 300 books have been distributed and the app has been downloaded more than 500 times.
IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Electoral Sign Language Lexicon, Libya -
Empowerment of youth with disabilities involving their families and communities
ETI primarily focuses on young people with visual impairments, offering life-skills training in group and one-to-one settings, parent workshops, and other community activities to promote social inclusion. ETI also works with relief agencies to ensure that young refugees with disabilities can also access its programmes.
ETI - Empowerment Through Integration, Lebanon -
Making schools accessible for children with physical disabilities in Afghanistan
The project addresses the need for accessible school buildings for children with disabilities by developing inclusive educational environments with accessible ramps, handrails, washing rooms, and drinking water installations. As a result, from 2013 to 2016 more than 3,000 children with disabilities were able to access education.
AOAD - Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled, Afghanistan -
Technology centres offering accessible training in digital skills and career support
The programme offers free and accessible online and in-person training in life, technical, and digital skills, partnering locally with potential employers and mentors. POETA DigiSpark has trained more than 4,000 people since starting in 2013, and has registered 200,000 visits to its seven technology centres.
Trust for the Americas, POETA DigiSpark, Argentina -
Inclusive evacuation strategies following a tsunami, earthquake, or volcano eruption
Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Berkebutuhan Khusus Aceh is a forum of various disabled people organizations in the in Aceh province, an tsunami and earthquake affected region. From 2015 to 2017, the organization trained 296 persons with disabilities, and 965 have participated in three disaster evacuation simulations.
FKM BKA - Forum of Community with Special Needs Aceh, Indonesia -
Teaching students with disabilities to manage risks associated with natural disasters
RET Americas has developed inclusive learning methodologies to integrate disaster risk reduction and management (DRR&M) as a topic in public schools, introducing curricula and exercises specifically for students with disabilities. Since 2015, more than 4,000 young people with disabilities have taken part in the project.
RET International - Protection through Education, Inclusive school safety in Panama (disasters and natural hazards awareness), Panama -
Providing Inclusive Education in camps for internally displaced persons (IDP)
The project provides training for teachers, support for children and their families, and training for relief workers to identify disabilities and make their emergency services more inclusive. Since 2019, Light for the World has been working in partnership with relief agencies and NGOs in three camps in Southern Sudan.
Light for the World Austria, IDP Programme, South Sudan -
GIS-based mapping and improving of accessible water, sanitation , and hygiene (WASH) facilities
ZWASH is conducting GIS-based mapping to assess the accessibility of toilet facilities in schools and health centres in Zambia. The data will be used by World Vision and government agencies to provide accessible toilets and WASH facilities where they are most needed. ZWASH will be rolled out in more than 40 other countries.
World Vision, Zambia Water Sanitation and Hygiene (ZWASH), Zambia -
Creating accessible water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities for disadvantaged groups
WASH, an accessible water, sanitation and hygiene programme, has been implemented by World Vision in Iraq since 2016 with two local DPO partners. These identify needs, plan and manage construction and reconstruction work, and carry out information activities for the population.
World Vision, Accessible WASH for an Accessible Society, Iraq