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              Your search returned 210 Solutions

              • A male and female trainer are at the front of a classroom, which has individual computers on each desk. Five participants sit at the computers, watching the trainers.

                Training people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities for ICT jobs

                TAP was designed for people with mental, emotional, or cognitive disabilities. It includes technological education, training of soft skills, and the placement of people as qualified IT specialists. Since its launch in 2011, TAP has trained more than 150 adults, 74 per cent of whom were successfully placed.
                itworks, Technology Accessibility Program (TAP), Israel

              • An African man and African woman sitting outside a well-built brick house with two windows and a door. A stack of rocks scattered between the with a tote bag lying on top.

                Peer-led organization of persons with psychosocial disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa


                Since 2017 the National Self-Advocacy in Uganda (UNSAI) has been assisting people with psychosocial disabilities with ‘Support my Choice’, a programme that enables participants who would otherwise be institutionalized to live independently, benefitting 150 people to date.
                UNSAI-Uganda National Self-Advocacy Initiative, Support my Choice, Uganda

              • A group of women wearing hairnets and gloves collaborate in preparing food outdoors. They are engaged and supportive, with bright clothing adding vibrancy to the scene. This gathering underscores cooperation, community spirit, and the importance of inclusive economic activities that value each participant's contributions.

                Empowering women with disabilities living in extreme poverty to set up their own small business

                FITIMA Guinée supports women with disabilities. From 2022-2024, it trained 110 women, enabling 50 to start businesses and create jobs through rights education, micro-management, and practical skills.
                FITIMA Guinea, Inclusion économique et sociale des femmes en situation de handicapf, Guinea

              • Free online Spanish dictionary written according to easy reading guidelines

                Diccionario Fácil is a free online Spanish dictionary service developed by Plena Inclusion Madrid, an NGO. It provides definitions according to the Easy Reading Guidelines, validated by people with intellectual disabilities, and also providing employment opportunities for them.
                Plena Inclusion Madrid, Diccionario Fácil – Easy Dictionary, Spain

              • How to successfully apply for jobs in the public and private sector

                Participants go through an evaluation process, which is summarised in an employment profile. Afterwards, training is recommended to complement existing interests and skills. Job placement is carried out using a special job-matching software, which is also available through the Ministry of Labour and private partner companies.
                Saraki Foundation, Project “Effective Labour Inclusion”, Paraguay

              • A young woman sits at a computer with her hands on the keyboard. Her head is turned slightly to smile at the camera.

                Technology centres offering accessible training in digital skills and career support

                The programme offers free and accessible online and in-person training in life, technical, and digital skills, partnering locally with potential employers and mentors. POETA DigiSpark has trained more than 4,000 people since starting in 2013, and has registered 200,000 visits to its seven technology centres.
                Trust for the Americas, POETA DigiSpark, Argentina

              • A woman in a wheelchair is ordering food on one of two touchscreen devices that are positioned in the center of Eli Lilly's accessible and modern cafeteria.

                Global accessibility and inclusion programme of a multinational pharmaceutical company

                The Access Lilly programme was initiated in 2020 by the multinational pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly to establish and implement a disability-friendly corporate culture throughout the company. The initial four work areas like accessibility, ICT and communications were expanded to include human resources and procurement.
                Eli Lilly, Access Lilly, United States of America

              • A young woman working on a project in a technical training institution.

                Making training centres accessible

                With the advice of Light for the World, Young Africa Mozambique has adapted their already existing training schedules by reducing the barriers to enable young people with disabilities to study with their peers. Two new accessible hostels were constructed to accommodate 128 young people, one existing hostel was renovated.
                Young Africa, Mozambique

              • A man in the office watching a Youtube video on the PC with captions.

                How to support your embassies in producing captioned videos

                The Department of State produces or owns nearly 20,000 videos per year in more than 70 languages on a huge range of topics. Using cloud services, the DOS has been able to make the process of captioning videos easier. DOS can now caption live video in two languages, and pre-recorded video in over 70 languages.
                US Department of State, Global Video Captioning Program, United States of America

              • A middle aged male in his electric wheelchair is sitting at his desk in front of a screen while working in his office, which is decorated with plants and pictures hanging on the white walls.

                Collection of digital and technical solutions for universally designed workplaces

                The Nordic Welfare Centre’s programme named Future of Working Life identifies and provides solutions in 18 technology areas that have the potential to improve the situation of people with disabilities in the labour market. The main target groups are employers, employees, and experts in the open labour market.
                Nordic Welfare Centre, The Future of Working Life, Denmark