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Strengthening the independent living movement through training and free legal advice
The PROPEDIF programme is made up of three services: Promotion of Rights, Orientation and Judicial Assistance, and the Honduran Independent Living Movement (MOVIH). By the end of 2018, 192 people with disabilities will have received rights training, attended camps on independent living, and have received legal guidance.
PREPACE - Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Program, PROPEDIF, Honduras -
A two-year programme with proven success in labour market integration
TIL offers post-secondary education for adults over 18 years with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The two-year programme provides independent living-skills training and work experience to increase participants’ functional, social, and career skills. The graduating class of 2018 contained 23 students, 78 per cent found employment.
Taft College, Transition to Independent Living programme (TIL), United States of America -
A Home, a Cafe and Employment to Promote Deinstitutionalization
In 2016, the Psychoanalytic Association set up a training café to employ ten people with psychosocial disabilities who had previously lived in closed institutions. As of 2018, the supportive independent living (SIL) programme oversees six group homes, two cafés, and 20 employed beneficiaries, all of whom now live on their own.
Psychoanalytic Association, SIL programme, Kazakhstan -
Preparing people with psychosocial and mental disabilities to live in their own homes
Residents in one of the "Preparation for Independent Living Centres" are provided with personalised professional support, counselling, and training to prepare them for living independently. From 2012 to 2018, 50 people had received support services and 16 had successfully moved on to their own independent lives and accommodations.
Pro ACT Suport Association, Romania -
Introduction of the personal assistance model
In 2016 the Phnom Penh Centre for Independent Living (PPCIL) introduced the first personal assistance model for people with severe disabilities in Cambodia. Between 2016 and 2018, more than 300 people with disabilities have benefitted from the PPCI programme, , which is to become a national policy.
Phnom Penh Center for Independent Living, Cambodia -
Advanced life-skills training for wheelchair users
In 2012 the Association of People with Disabilities in Bolivia launched ‘Nueva Esperanza’, a programme that teaches life skills to people with physical disabilities, especially wheelchair users. In 2017 the local practice was recognized nationwide and was included in a new labour law. As of 2022 there were 25 beneficiaries.
Nueva Esperanza Association of People with Physical Disabilities, Programa Vida Independiente (Independent Living Programme), Bolivia -
Volunteer-based distance learning platform for people with visual impairments
Engelsiz Erisim Derneği has developed a online learning platform offering courses to people with visual impairments. Up to seven different classes are taught daily using TeamTalk, a free voice chat room. The courses are prepared and conducted by visually impaired instructors and are uploaded to the online platform.
ABFA - Association of Barrier Free Access, Online Learning Platform, Turkey -
Moving from the guardianship to the social autonomy model of disability
The Law for the Promotion of Personal Autonomy of Persons with Disabilities, approved in Costa Rica in 2016, provides the right to a personal assistant. This is requested through the Public Agency for the Disabled, and in 2022 there were more than 200 people receiving this service.
Morpho Independent Living Center, Law for the promotion of the personal autonomy of persons with disabilities, Costa Rica -
Building a tech infrastructure, training, and IT job creation for persons with visual impairments
Living Dignity for the Blind, Myanmar: Offers decentralized training for visually impaired individuals in remote areas. The program has expanded to several regions, with trained individuals finding tech-related jobs.
Living Dignity For The Blind, Promoting technology and capacity-building towards employment, Myanmar -
Adapting smart technology to support services for persons with intellectual disabilities
In 2018 the US-based Keystone Human Services launched a project that supports people with intellectual disabilities in their everyday lives. It combines easily available technologies such as Alexa with specific tools to achieve individual goals – from cooking independently to staying overnight without paid staff.
Keystone Human Services, KAS - Keystone Autism Services, Technology for Independent Living, United States of America