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              Your search returned 11 Solutions

              • Two women are in a shopping mall. They are sharing headphones and one of them is holding a mobile phone. The person to the left holds a white cane.

                An indoor navigation system for the blind and visually impaired

                In 2014, PoiLabs launched an indoor navigation system to make complex indoor spaces accessible for blind users. The system uses beacon devices and voice-guided navigation on a mobile phone. To provide it, PoiLabs partners with Turkcell, the largest telecommunication company in Turkey.
                PoiLabs, Visually Impaired Navigation System for Indoor Venues, Turkey

              • A woman under a tent looks to the right while putting on mascara.

                Volunteer-based distance learning platform for people with visual impairments

                Engelsiz Erisim Derneği has developed a online learning platform offering courses to people with visual impairments. Up to seven different classes are taught daily using TeamTalk, a free voice chat room. The courses are prepared and conducted by visually impaired instructors and are uploaded to the online platform.
                ABFA - Association of Barrier Free Access, Online Learning Platform, Turkey

              • Employment in the open labour market for persons with Down syndrome

                The Down Syndrome Association is a charity organization dedicated to change the public perception of persons with Down syndrome and to create an equal opportunity atmosphere. From 2014 to 2016, the Job Coaching Supported Employment programme provided employment opportunities for 30 persons with Down syndrome.
                Down Syndrome Association, Job Coaching Supported Employment programme, Turkey

              • Online job-platform used by more than 10,000 jobseekers with disabilities

       is the first Turkish career portal for people with disabilities. Jobseekers can obtain free membership and apply for free trainings(via e-learning). The organization also offers services to companies and has created a reference book on communication with Disabled for HR personnel and community.
                Engelsizkariyer, Disabled Human Resources and Career Web (Barrier Free Careers), Turkey

              • Several children with visual impairments using the phone application on a trip.

                Audio descriptions-app making movies accessible for the blind

                My Dream Companion was developed by visually impaired YGA graduates and Turkcell, a mobile phone operator. The cost-free app provides audio descriptions of movies without requiring any other equipment or software. From 2015 to 2017 approximately 180,000 persons have benefitted from the app.
                YGA - Young Guru Academy, My Dream Companion, Turkey

              • A boy wearing a hearing aid is looking at the mobile screen with a paper that has a similar image printed in a paper.

                Storytelling mobile app for children who are deaf or blind

                In 2019 the Turkish Association of the Deaf (TIED) launched an interactive video app aimed at children with hearing disabilities that functions like an audio-visual library. The audio description, introduced in 2022, makes the library also accessible for children with visual impairments.
                Association of People with Hearing Impairment of Turkey, İki-Dilli Öyküler (Bilingual stories), Turkey

              • The image shows a joyful group of nine individuals posing together for a photo. Two individuals are using wheelchairs, which signifies the inclusion of people with disabilities. The group is diverse in terms of gender and possibly cultural backgrounds, reflecting a spirit of equality and tolerance. Behind them, a banner with vibrant colors and the words "Renkli Kampus" suggests a context of community, possibly related to an educational or social initiative that promotes diversity and inclusion. The smiles and positive body language of the individuals convey a message of camaraderie and support for one another.

                Training students to become leaders and innovators in accessibility and inclusion

                Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği (DADER), Turkey: Runs Campus of Colours, a programme for high school and university students to develop socially responsible leaders. From 2015 to 2023, involved students, 35% with disabilities, with projects winning awards.
                Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği, Campus of Colours, Turkey

              • Two young women appearing to have down syndrome seated smiling in a long table together with three other persons appearing to also have down syndrome doodling.

                Facilitated self-advocacy groups for people with Down Syndrome

                In 2017 the Down Syndrome Association of Turkey launched the self-advocacy group Voice+1, which organizes regular meetings supported by facilitators. By 2022, Voice+1 has grown to 27 self-advocates in five cities and has resulted in the establishment of a Down syndrome research commission in parliament.
                Down Syndrome Association, My Voice, My Society – Voice+1, Turkey

              • Sample of Parliamentary Election Ballot Template

                A Ballot Template for the Blind

                The ballot template can be used both by those who can read Braille and those who cannot. Also the template can be adapted to the specific candidates of a region, thus allowing blind voters to participate nationwide. In 2017, 5,000 templates were piloted during the Turkish Constitution referendum.
                ABFA - Association of Barrier Free Access, Turkey

              • The specific camera angle shows the labeling of an accessible toilet on the left while also granting a view into the corresponding toilet with a sink, the toilet bowl and the accessible handles and bars.

                International airport that provides a diverse accessible airport experience.

                IGA Cares is an Istanbul Airport programme that includes a broad variety of measures and services to make the airport accessible for all. Services include a navigation app, info kiosks in sign language, and a map that gives people who are particularly sensitive to noise access to quiet spaces.
                Istanbul Airport, IGA Cares, Turkey