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          Your search returned 33 Organizations

          • Irisbond

            Irisbond creates a new way for humans to communicate based on precision eye tracking technology. (Source: Website)

          • ONCE Foundation


          • Mouse4all


          • Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality of Spain


          • Plena Inclusion Spain

            Plena Inclusion is the associative movement of intellectual or developmental disabilities in Spain. (Source: Website)

          • Tempe

            Tempe was founded in 1989 as the leading brand in the footwear sector working with the Inditex Group. Since then, the brand has experienced significant growth. (Source: Website)

          • COCEMFE - Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities

            COCEMFE is a representative NGO of persons with physical & organic disabilities that pursues their full inclusion and active participation in all areas of society, through the promotion, defence and claim of their rights, as well as the coordination, representation and impulse of its Associative Movement, thus contributing to the construction of an inclusive and diverse society. COCEMFE is made up of 91 organizations that groups together more than 1.600 associations and represents 2,5 million people with disabilities in Spain. (Source: Website)

          • Dales la Palabra Foundation

            In October 1999, the Dales la Palabra Foundation, was founded. (Source: Website)

          • Prodis Foundation

            Created in the year 2000, the Prodis Foundation was set up with the intention of improving the quality of life of disabled people, helping them in their personal development and in their social and employment inclusion. (Source: Website)

          • Mass Factory Urban Accessible Mobility, S.L.

            Mass Factory Urban Accessible Mobility, S.L. (Mass Factory), is a high-tech company, spin-off of the “Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)” established in October 2012, following a final project of seven students led by PhD. Jordi Roig with the aim to create innovative products that add value to society. The first objective of the project, the mobile application "OnTheBus" (nowadays "App&Town Going with you"), became the first service of the company. (Source: Website)