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          Your search returned 11 Organizations

          • Pedius

            Pedius is an Italian startup that has an app that enables the deaf to make phone calls. The user texts a message, and that text translates to speech at the other side of the phone call. (Source: Website)

          • WHO - World Health Organisation, Collaborating Centre for Research and Training

            In alignment with WHO, the Collaborating Centre supports Member States in the deinstitutionalization and development of integrated community-based mental health services by providing guidance on local and national policies in terms of leadership and management, implementation and workforce development. The WHO CC further provides education and training activities for planners and professionals on whole systems and recovery approaches, including alternatives for acute care; comprehensive community mental health centres; rehabilitation, recovery and social inclusion services; deinstitutionalization and whole systems change; early intervention integrated network; and social enterprises' and cooperatives' technology, operations and policies. (Source: Website)

          • JKJ S.r.l. - Plastic Solutions

            JKJ Srl has been operating since 20 years in the production of plastic products. Today it is a reference point in PVC tactile paving and guidance systems market. (Source: Website)

          • Italian Association of People with Down Syndrome (AIPD)


          • Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research


          • ITSE C. Colombo - Technical and Economic Institute of Porto Viro

            The high school meets broad and diversified educational needs covering the entire geographical basin that from the east of Rovigo arrives to the Delta of the Po. There are numerous educational, cultural and recreational proposals organized in extracurricular hours. Of great importance are the internships organized at local companies. The professional experiences, consistent with the educational path undertaken, range from the mechanical and electrical sector to the business and tourism sector. All their diplomas, in addition to allowing an immediate entry into the world of work, allow the enrollment to all university faculties for the achievement of specialist and master degree. (Source: Website)

          • Fight the Stroke

   is a foundation that supports the cause of young stroke survivors and children with Cerebral Palsy. FightTheStroke exists to answer to the need for knowledge and support for families impacted by the management of a young stroke survivor and with a disability of Cerebral Palsy, to educate to the awareness that children, even those not yet born, can be affected by potentially disabling brain damages; to inspire the new generations and encourage research and adoption of 'disruptive' therapies. (Source: Website)

          • VEASYT - Digital Services for Breaking Down Communication Barriers

            VEASYT srl is a research spin-off from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, incorporated in Italy in 2012 based on the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies’ know-how to develop skills in the field of language and sensorial accessibility. The company offers digital services to create full access to content and information, according to the guidelines of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006). VEASYT is aimed at public and private institutions, companies and professionals who wish to offer accessible services to allow the full social inclusion of all citizens, overcoming all language and sensorial barriers. (Source: Website)

          • CLE - Leonardo Education Center

            Centro Leonardo is a consultant for important Italian publishers for the creation of inclusive textbooks dedicated to students with Special Educational Needs. Since 2014 it has been responsible for the accessibility of numerous school texts both in paper and digital format, bringing to school his innovative inclusive approach born from the clinical experience of several years. By improving text comprehension, concept maps, timelines, outlines, summaries and personalized verifications it helps transform a traditional history, geography, or science textbook into a text suitable for all students and all learning styles. (Source: Website)

          • AISM - Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society

            AISM, Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla, is the only organization in Italy that deals in a structured and organic way with all aspects related to multiple sclerosis (MS), through a comprehensive perspective that embraces the rights of people with MS, health and social services, promotion, direction and funding of scientific research. (Source: Website)