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Your search returned 17 Organizations
NUI - National University of Ireland, Galway
Sound Advice
Sound Advice is an eGovernment (Education) award-winning venture geared to technology-supported mainstream education, employment and living for children, students and graduates who’re deaf. From 2007 to 2014, Sound Advice’s influencing addressed a historic lack in Ireland’s hearing and speech services, that led to: Ireland’s Audiology Review (2011), Education Policy for mainstreaming deaf children (2012) and HSE-funded bilateral pediatric ear implants (2013). (Source: Website)
Ireland -
Irish Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Commission for Energy Regulation
COPE Foundation
UrAbility brings learning to life through assistive technology for children with special educational needs including Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. (Source: Website)
Ireland -
Central Bank of Ireland
The Central Bank of Ireland is responsible for both central banking and financial regulation in Ireland. (Source: Website)
Ireland -
Genio Trust
Genio is a European organisation based in Ireland working with philanthropy and government at national and EU levels. Specialising in social service transformation, Genio has a deep understanding and track record of complex system change and combines fund-management, capacity-building, action research and impact-measurement to effect public service reform. The hallmark of our work is to strive to ensure service user involvement at every level of service design and delivery. (Source: Website)
Ireland -
Mobility Mojo LLC
Mobility Mojo is the world’s leading evaluation tech for facilities and hotel accessibility. (Source: Website)
Ireland -
Saint John of God Liffey Services