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              Your search returned 11 Solutions

              • A group meeting in a closed room with 8 people sitting at a large table each with their laptop and phones in front of them, and a camera in the back, some of them with visual impairments, discussing and listening.

                Online community puts competitive pressure on online services to be more accessible

                A11yID is an online community of digital product developers and people with disabilities, initiated by the NGO Suarise in Indonesia. In addition to providing exchanges on the topic of digital accessibility, reviews of websites, apps, and more are shared under the Hashtag TantanganAksesibilitas.
                Suarise, A11yID, Indonesia

              • A person with a physical disability who casted his vote in Burma.

                A step-by-step toolkit to monitor voter participation

                IFES developed a methodology whereby people with disabilities and their organizations are trained as official observers and use checklists to collect data on access to the electoral process. As of 2018, 13 countries had employed the IFES’s methodology, resulting in the formation of a free-to-download Election Access Observation Toolkit.
                IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Election Access Observation Toolkit, Indonesia

              • A group of about 15 helpers, among them one boy sitting in a whelchair and one man standing with a prostethic leg, are working on, painting and renovating a house to make it more accessible.

                Cross-sectoral effort to build accessible homes for people with disabilities in poverty

                Puspadi Bali operates a housing project in Bali for people with physical disabilities living in poverty. The houses are built after an individual evaluation and in collaboration with Warmadewa University and Journeyman International, an NGO focusing on architectural services in a humanitarian context.
                PUSPADI Bali, Accessible Housing, Indonesia

              • Participatory collection of disability data in cities to improve public service

                Kota Kita, an NGO from Solo City, Indonesia, generates a disability-inclusive profile of cities by collecting differentiated data in real time using a geo-tagging app. By involving people with disabilities, the results provide a basis for cities to take action to make them more disability-friendly.
                Kota Kita, Participatory Approach for Disability-Inclusive Cities Indonesia/Disability-Inclusive Cities Indonesia, Indonesia

              • While a teacher is explaining sign language to the class,  students in the back dance their interpretation of it.

                Admission quotas and support services for university enrollment

                Every year, 20 students with various disabilities are admitted to Universitas Brawijaya. The Centre for Disability Studies and Services provides these students with a number of services to support learning and inclusion, tests and exams are made accessible for a variety of disabilities and a reasonable accommodation is also offered.
                Brawijaya University, Center for Disability Studies and Services, Affirmative Admission for Students with Disabilities, Indonesia

              • A group of Indonesian men and women, some in wheelchairs, pose together in a public setting. Their smiles and hand gestures create an atmosphere of unity and mutual respect. The setting promotes social inclusion and acceptance, with each individual playing an integral role within the community.

                Professional integration of people with disabilities in the local garment industry

                FKDB in Central Java promotes inclusive employment in the garment sector. Its Kresna Patra program trained 500+ people by 2024, with 57 securing jobs in the industry or starting businesses.
                FKDB - Boyolali Disabled Communication Forum, Kresna Patra, Indonesia

              • Children receiving lessons on concentration and motor training.

                Increasing Access to Health and Education Services for Children

                The Inclusion Club model uses existing local resources to support children with disabilities in rural villages. Inclusion Clubs bring together village officials, health and education professionals, and children with disabilities and their families to build local capacity and exchange skills, so families can support their children at home.
                SEHATI Sukoharjo Community Group, Inclusion Clubs, Indonesia

              • Child Development Monitoring for Rural Areas

                Yayasan Suryakanti Bandung is a non-profit foundation that specializes in supporting infants and children at high risk for disability through early detection and intervention in rural areas of Indonesia. To that end, it established the Suryakanti Foundation Centre. From 2014 to 2016 approximately 18,000 patients were served.
                Suryakanti Foundation Center, Child development monitoring for rural areas, Indonesia

              • Three young women carrying a woman.

                Inclusive evacuation strategies following a tsunami, earthquake, or volcano eruption

                Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Berkebutuhan Khusus Aceh is a forum of various disabled people organizations in the in Aceh province, an tsunami and earthquake affected region. From 2015 to 2017, the organization trained 296 persons with disabilities, and 965 have participated in three disaster evacuation simulations.
                FKM BKA - Forum of Community with Special Needs Aceh, Indonesia

              • Two Indonesian students in school uniform giggling together with another student and a woman each holding a doll.

                Sexual and reproductive education for youth with leprosy and other


                NLR Indonesia developed the MBIM project to educate children and adolescents with leprosy and other disabilities about their sexual and reproductive health and rights. As part of the project NLR has developed educational manuals and tools, such as pictures and videos.
                NLR Indonesia, My Body Is Mine (MBIM), Indonesia