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              Your search returned 2 Solutions

              • A girls sits in front of a computer, while clapping her hands and playing games for the blind being observed by an woman.

                Free open-source electronic games for children

                "Games for the Blind" is a series of free electronic games designed for blind children as well as an online platform to create and share their own game. The games are designed to familiarize children with computers and to allow them to practice their hearing and other skills while having the option to play with their peers.
                SciFY - Science For You, Games for the Blind, Greece

              • A hand holds a mobile phone showing a website of the E-learing plattfrom for intellectual disability awareness.

                Multilingual training platform for parents and guardians

                ELPIDA is a free, multilingual online course and was launched by a consortium of European organizations. Parents and guardians of people with intellectual disabilities learn the skills needed to better support their children.
                Parents International, ELPIDA (E‐Learning Platform for Intellectual Disability Awareness), Greece