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              Your search returned 6 Solutions

              • Awareness speech on positive language to workers of the Ministry of education © FENEDIF

                All-Sector-Cooperation creating jobs in thousands of companies


                The Ecuadorian Labour Integration Service (SIL) promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in the open labour market through training and assistance and by working together with the entire socio-labour spectrum. By 2016, some 12,900 people had found a job in 8,355 public and private companies.
                FENEDIF - National Federation of Ecuadorian with Physical Disability, Labour Integration Service (SIL) of 2006 
National Federation of Ecuadorians with Physical Disabilities (FENEDIF), in partnership with CONADIS, Petroamazonas EP and others, Ecuador, Ecuador

              • Five actors in headlamp are using sign language on stage.

                Person-centred support model for university students

                Through the UNESCO Chair project students with different impairments manage their own learning process and support needs. They can draw on a variety of resources, including a peer support programme. For teachers and families the chair offers workshops on person-centred educational planning.
                Salesian Polytechnic University, UNESCO Chair on Support Technologies for Educational Inclusion, Ecuador

              • Training persons with intellectual disabilities to be self-advocates

                The training of self-advocates takes an average of ten months and covers human rights, participation mechanisms, supported decision-making, and development of expressive ability, with the help of manuals and group teaching. Over 400 persons with intellectual disabilities and 100 facilitators undertook the training between 2014 and 2018.
                FEPAPDEM - National Federation of Mothers and Fathers of People with Intellectual Disability , Ecuador

              • A group picture of people with different disabilities by the Machu Picchu site.

                Wheelchair-accessible tours in Amazonia, the Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu

                SAFA offers tours to various South America destinations that are accessible by wheelchair users (including hotels, restaurants, availability of accessible transport, etc.). SAFA therefore developed a systematic approach to evaluating potential locations. In 2016 approximately 300 wheelchair users booked tours.
                South America For All, Ecuador

              • Co-creating New Regulations with Local Governments

                After Fundación Discapacidad y Desarrollo had identified the needs of disabled people in the province of Loja together with with local organizations and representatives, some changes were implemented at the local level. One result of the legislation is that 480 people with disabilities have now set up small businesses
                Disability and Development Foundation, Ecuador

              • Entrepreneur supported by Productive Inclusion, Framher in Napo © Ministry of Industries and Productivity - MIPRO Entrepreneur supported by Productive Inclusion, Mueblería Gonzales in Napo © Ministry of Industries and Productivity - MIPRO

                Government supporting self-employment and microfinance

                The Programme increases entrepreneurship of persons with disabilities by providing them and their families with personnel and financial support to develop their own business ideas. From 2013 to 2016, more than 4,385 entrepreneurs with disabilities were trained about entrepreneurial and productive topics.
                MIPRO - Ministry of Industry and Productivity of Ecuador, Productive Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities Programme of 2013, part of Strengthening Inclusive Services and Support Networks for Persons with Disabilities in Ecuador
Ministry of Industries and Productivity (MIPRO) & Ministry of Social Development (MCDS), Ecuador , Ecuador