Innovation, Impact, and Scalability
The nomination process, which ran from early May to the end of June 2024, set out to identify outstanding solutions in terms of innovation, impact and scalability. The Zero Project research covers nominations from civil society, the public sector, the business sector, and the interdisciplinary ICT sector.
In total, the Zero Project received 522 nominations from 90 countries, marking a record for the focus topics of Employment and ICT (the previous record was 475 in 2020/2021). The nominations covered an array of topics from entrepreneurship to supported employment, and vocational training. ICT nominations also included a range of different solutions, for instance, web accessibility and AI-based applications.
Global representation
As in the past years, the highest number of nominations were received by organizations domiciled in the United States. But for the first time, nominations from India (42) almost came in equal. Nominations from Chile (29), the home country of Zero Project Latin America Partner Fundación Descúbreme, and from Austria (26), the Zero Project’s home country, came in in third and fourth positions respectively.
Underlining the global outreach of the Zero Project, countries from five different continents rank among the top 10 (with the sixth continent represented by Australia and New Zealand, also adding up to 8 nominations). For the first time, China ranks among the top 20-countries of origin for nominations, as do Poland and Argentina.
For a more detailed breakdown of contributing countries and other interesting facts and figures, download the press release in PDF format: