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Mobile therapy for children in remote areas delivered by an accessible bus
"Therapy on Wheels"is a mobile therapy for children, initiated by the Indian NGO Samphia Foundation. It consists of a team who travel from village to village in an accessible bus to provide services in India's mountainous regions. The bus is equipped with therapeutic tools and technology.
Samphia Foundation, Therapy On Wheels, India -
Free technology-support helpline for
persons who are blind or visually impaired
Clients at home, school, or work can contact the helpline via their smartphone, computer, or tablet. In this way they receive real-time instructions, primarily via phone, five days a week, addressing questions in four languages. The tech-support staff includes a manager and five specialists who are themselves blind or visually-impaired.
Migdal Or Rehabilition Center for the Blind, Israel -
All-Sector-Cooperation creating jobs in thousands of companies
The Ecuadorian Labour Integration Service (SIL) promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in the open labour market through training and assistance and by working together with the entire socio-labour spectrum. By 2016, some 12,900 people had found a job in 8,355 public and private companies.
FENEDIF - National Federation of Ecuadorian with Physical Disability, Labour Integration Service (SIL) of 2006 National Federation of Ecuadorians with Physical Disabilities (FENEDIF), in partnership with CONADIS, Petroamazonas EP and others, Ecuador, Ecuador -
People with intellectual disabilities train peers to use digital media and ICT
PIKSL Mobil is a peer-to-peer teaching approach. People with intellectual disabilities are trained in the use of digital technology and in training other people. Equipped with technical equipment, these trainers then teach other persons with disabilities and seniors living in residential facilities to use digital media independently.
PIKSL - Living in the community gGmbH, PIKSL Mobil, Germany -
Restaurant menu reading app for persons with visual impairment
MenuSpeak recognizes a user’s location through iBeacons and automatically shows the menu in any of more than 45 languages. It can even read the menu out loud, if desired. The user places selected items in a virtual shopping cart which are translated back to the service personnel.By 2017 the app was used by more than 25 hospitality companies in Austria ans Jamaica.
Mopius Mobile GmbH, MenuSpeak, Austria -
An app that connects jobseekers with disabilities with job opportunities
The Riziki Source App collects information from job seekers with disabilities in a database that can be matched with job offers. The app also learns about the training needs of registered jobseekers. Employers have the possibility to share available job opportunities through a dedicated login.
Riziki Source, Riziki Source App, Kenya -
Pioneering a personal budget model as part of national social services
Although the concept of a personal budget is an established practice in the United States and parts of Europe, it is new for Israel. Between 2016 and 2018, some 200 professionals have been trained and 50 people with a variety of disabilities have benefitted. In 2019, another 300 beneficiaries joined the program.
JDC Israel - Israel Unlimited, Personal Budget Model, Israel -
Accessible tourism for people with psychosocial disabilities in-country and abroad
Nofesh offers recreational experiences for people with psychosocial disabilities in Israel, from one-day tours to five-day vacations, developed by the NGO ENOSH. The offer includes comprehensive support and accompaniment. During the Covid-Pandemic, virtual tours and lectures were offered.
ENOSH - The Israeli Mental Health Association, Nofesh, Israel -
Accessibility certification programme for eBook publishers
Benetech is a leading provider of a digital library system. As another project, it launched the Global Certified Accessible™ certification, which not only validates the accessibility of individual eBooks but certifies the entire workflow of publishers, and supports everyone involved in the production of digital books.
Benetech, GCA™ publisher certification programme , United States of America -
City metro passenger setting new standards of accessibility for all
Transportes Metropolitanos de Barcelona used the 2021 renewal of its vehicle fleet to improve the accessibility of its underground train service. Measures include wider automatic doors, acoustic warning lights, intercom located at an optimum height for wheelchair users, emergency handles, and colour contrast signage.
Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Metro accessibility in Barcelona, Spain
Content Search
Zero Project Inclusive Arts
Contact for enquiries: Isabella Essl, Head of Inclusive Arts The Zero Project seeks innovative forms of art and expression worldwide that allow people with…
Equitable AI Alliance
An Initiative supported by the Zero Project and The Seneca Trust Experts of the global and cross-sectoral Zero Project Network with significant experience in the development, implementation, and use…
The Zero Project Conference 2025
March 5-7, 2025 United Nations Office at Vienna Explore the Agenda The annual Zero Project Conference has become a unique global meeting place to innovate for disability inclusion. Every year,…
Equitable AI Knowledge Hub
Equitable AI Alliance The Knowledge Hub is associated with the Equitable AI Alliance's work: Learn more The Equitable AI Knowledge Hub is a free public resource designed to support…
Artifical Intelligence
Join the AI discussion on LinkedIn: ‘Disability-Inclusive AI’ A public LinkedIn group to discuss artificial intelligence both as inclusive and dedicated tools for persons with…
Zero Project Conference 2025: Discover the #ZeroCon25 Agenda Zero Project | The Essl Foundation Schottenring 16/3. OG 1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA Contact: The Essl…
Zero Project Ibero-America
Save the date: Zero Project Ibero-America Conference May 6, 2025 | Santiago de Chile Zero Project Ibero-America is a joint initiative with Chilean Foundation Fundación Descúbreme to increase…
Press Kit
Contact for all press enquiries: Judith Hermetter, Head of Communications On this page you will find: Facts and figures about the Zero Project Social media…
The Zero Project
The Zero Project in numbers: 1,000+ Innovative Solutions 10,000+ experts worldwide 10+ years of Research Founded by Austrian non-profit Essl Foundation in 2008, the Zero Project is…
Zero Project Database
The Zero Project Database is based on extensive peer-reviewed research, drawing from a pool of more than 1,000 innovative solutions. It's mapping and connecting solutions, experts, and organizations…